A Guide to Asexual Relationships: What You Should Know!

Those who identify as asexual do not feel sexual desire or attraction toward other people. This can make dating and developing relationships challenging, especially in today’s sexually-oriented culture. But asexual connections can be every bit as rewarding and significant as their sexual counterparts. In this primer, we’ll define asexuality, discuss its effects on romantic partnerships, and offer advice for thriving in asexual pairings.

Understanding Asexual Relationships

There is a wide variety of asexual partnerships. While some asexuals may seek out romantic partners, others may settle for platonic friendships or other non-romantic bonds. It’s crucial to recognize that asexual people can feel romantic attraction and yearn for close emotional bonds with others.

Communication is Key

It’s critical for couples of any orientation to talk to one other, but in asexual relationships, it’s even more crucial. It’s possible that asexual people’s relationship requirements and preferences are different from those of non-sexual people. Discussing these wants and requirements openly and honestly and coming up with solutions as a team is crucial.

A Guide to Asexual Relationships

Navigating Intimacy

Asexual people may find it challenging to talk about physical closeness with their partners who experience sexual desire. It’s crucial to set limits and talk about the amount of physical closeness that each partner is comfortable with. This may entail experimenting with emotional or physical closeness.

Building Emotional Intimacy

Emotional closeness is vital in any relationship, but it may be more meaningful in asexual pairings. It’s possible that asexual people nevertheless want to form emotional bonds with their partners despite their lack of sexual attraction to them. Having honest and open conversations and making an effort to become closer emotionally are crucial to any relationship.

Navigating Sexual Attraction

It can be challenging to get through the issue of sexual attraction if only one spouse feels it. You should talk openly and honestly with one another about your wants and needs, and then figure out how to fulfill those wants and needs together. Masturbation and the pursuit of other kinks and fetishes are two examples of nontraditional sexual expressions that might fall under this category.

Finding Support

Asexual people are a marginalized group that may encounter prejudice, stigma, and isolation. Finding a community of people who share your views and embrace your asexuality is crucial. This might include finding a therapist who understands asexuality or joining an online community.

To discover supportive communities and helpful resources as an asexual individual, check out our guide: Finding Community as an Asexual Individual.

A Guide to Asexual Relationships

Navigating Non-Asexual Partners

In a relationship with someone who is not asexual, it is crucial for both partners to be open and honest about their wants and needs. Boundaries around physical closeness should be discussed, and other means of satisfying each other’s needs should be explored.

Celebrating Asexuality

Celebrating and supporting asexual people is vital because asexuality is a genuine and significant part of human sexuality. This may be done in a variety of ways, including spreading awareness of asexuality, fighting for asexuals’ rights, and normalizing asexuality.

Learn more about the significance of LGBTQIA Pride and how it promotes diversity and progress in society.


Relationships of the asexual variety can be equally rewarding and significant as their sexual counterparts. Finding individuals who embrace and understand asexuality, communicating openly, and trying new types of intimacy are all helpful.

Relationships between asexuals can be successful and fulfilling if both partners are willing to be patient, understanding, and loving. By learning more about asexuality, we can help make the world a better place for people of all sexual orientations.


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