New Hampshire Lawmaker Accuses Murals of “Demonic” Imagery

New Hampshire state Senator Carrie Gendreau, a former town board member of Littleton, has sparked controversy by alleging that murals funded by an LGBTQ+ organization harbor “demonic hidden messages.”

The murals, created by the nonprofit North Country Pride, were intended to beautify an underdeveloped neighborhood. However, Gendreau’s claims have divided the community, with some supporting her views while others criticize her rhetoric.

Gendreau’s objections to the murals stem from her belief in “demonic symbolism” within the artwork. Despite no evidence supporting her claims, she has expressed concerns about the influence of such imagery in the community.

Her stance has raised questions about the intersection of religious beliefs and public policy, particularly regarding LGBTQ+ rights.

New Hampshire Lawmaker Accuses Murals of "Demonic" Imagery

The controversy escalated when Gendreau made disparaging remarks about the late gay son of the town manager, Jim Gleason, during a dispute over a play featuring a gay couple.

Gleason resigned from his position in response to Gendreau’s comments, highlighting the personal toll of her rhetoric on LGBTQ+ individuals and their families.

While Gendreau’s views have garnered support from some residents, others advocate for civil discourse and dialogue rather than divisive rhetoric. The incident has prompted reflection on the values of the community and the importance of inclusive representation in local government.

Despite no longer holding a position on the town select board, Gendreau’s impact on the community persists, with her replacement, Kerri Harrington, emphasizing inclusivity in her leadership. The controversy surrounding the murals underscores broader debates about identity, representation, and tolerance in contemporary society.

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